Friday 4 October 2013


On the whole like most primitive people with whom outside influences have not yet tampered too much, they see more good qualities than bad ones. Among the latter outstanding and most repulsive to me is injustice. Among the former is the in born sense of justice and the deep if simple wisdom with which is usually administered and dished out.
How true this is, was one demonstrated to me in a startling way. The place was the village of katogo, the time was one of the great confusion. As a matter of fact, never had there been so much confusion and so much activity in katogo, not even in man’s memory. Never had I felt that my small head could load down with such heavy weight of disappointment, though many ere the hundreds of challenges which I in my life have seen come and go. It was evening time when the chief of the village organized a manifestation in quite different ways and the winner would take his daughter for marriage, whereas the loser would pay 10 cows for insulating the chief.
When the moment came, God willingly, I won the race. As happy as anyone would be for taking the king’s daughter, so suddenly became the desperate countenance I will never forget. I had done no harm to any body and all I thought that the chief as being his long time servant and with the joy of wining the white man in the manifestation would happily give me his daughter for marriage, instead I was un justly condemned to pay 10 cows.
“one can believe with me that the poor people are always guilty of losing the case, and the unfortunate of all, even the Judges of this world judge basing on the witnesses presented, but pay no revenge because true Justice is only found in God”

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