Monday 14 October 2013


Take the world but give me Jesus, all its joy are but a name, but his love abides ever through eternal years the same. I clearly remember the day and time when the news about fire burn at Nakasero market reached me.
It was during the early hours of mourning when I was preparing my children for school, and at the same time preparing for work. Thousands of kilometers separated me from the market where I was working as the business lady in self employment.
When my husband died in 2003, I used the condolences to start up a small business at Nakasero market majorly dealing in second hand clothes. After 2 years, the business enchased to first class and my 3 children without a father could survivor on that business.
When that bad incident happened, all our property was destroyed in fire. It was unfortunate that my young daughter was about to sit for her A’ level exams, yet my oldest daughter was in third year at the university. I ran up and down to different offices to help my children sit for their final exams, but my labour

was in vein. Until when I cried to God and my daughter was permitted to sit for her final U.A.C.E exams.
The one at the university was denied exams and registered for a dead year. God was faithful and he did not just pass the exams, but he instead excelled. He is now working with Crane bank in the accounting and banking department. What I should say is that everything that we lost has been compensated by what I call the grace of God and labor of our hands.
“Life knows how to treat people until the tears start coming out of the ears instead of the eyes like we were, but I want to assure you that in whatever situation, make it know to Jesus through prayer because he is the world’s only hope”. John 14:6

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